Marketers today have it comparatively easier than marketers back in the day. There is an abundant supply of marketing tools and techniques that have been created and developed over the years, effectively expanding the industry as a whole. These tools allow them to obtain much-needed insights into customers, the market, their needs and so on. Plus, they also help businesses remain on par with competition, assisting with the integration of web and mobile content simultaneously for instance, which in turn keeps consumers updated as necessary. On that note, any new age marketer should be able to navigate these tools with ease, so here are a few of the highlights broken down.

Seo Keyword Analysis

You no longer have to be an expert in SEO to know what it is or what it does. It is so popular today that everyone gets the gist of it. However, only those in the field know how important it is to work intimately with it. SEO keyword analysis is an important part of this, and a critical part of ensuring SEO is successful for a company. Without this, there can be no SEO, period. This is a search for the most common keywords people tend to type into search engines like Google when looking for a product or services.

Content Management

Without the right content, you cannot really market anything. This includes text, images, videos and so on. As you might imagine, there is an endless flow of content today, and a successful digital marketing campaign is about managing this content effectively. The idea is to pass messages frequently, without bombarding or overwhelming the consumer. Whilst hiring a social marketing agency is a good first step to helping with this, it is also useful if you– the business owner– has an idea about the sort of content you would like to put out there.

Google Analytics

Google should be added to the list of human necessities, taking fifth place after food, water, shelter and clothing. It is an integrated part of society, and as the biggest search engine in the world, a gold mine for entrepreneurs. Not only do they get to target visibility via SEO and the line, they also get to see how they are faring from time to time. Google analytics is a tool provided by the company for you to measure your bounce rates, conversion rates, and what is more, also lets you know where your visitors are from.


Whilst you might think that your product/service information already provided on the site is sufficient, you will soon find that it actually is not. In other words, people are scouring the web many times a day, and if they do not find anything new uploaded on your pages, they will soon get bored. The idea is to keep them engaged, and prompt them to interact with the brand. Blogging helps you do this. Not only do you get to explore different topics (all related to your brand of course), you also get to give your business another dimension.

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