Smoking is an addiction that is experienced around the world. While some people are only used to do it rarely, for some, it becomes a craving. When this happens a lot of people tend to smoke under times of stress or emotional moments. While quitting smoking and tobacco withdrawal is not considered easy, there are also many alternative products that can help you let go of your cravings gradually. Take a look at the following to see what tare these products.

Nicotine Patches

These are easily found in your local drugstore. These are adhesive patches that can be used on your skin. They release small amounts of nicotine through your skin into your body. You can reduce the number of patches you use every day. The process usually takes between eight to twelve weeks. While it takes time for nicotine to leave your system, these patches will help you to lessen the amount you intake gradually.

Nicotine Gum

Another over the counter product is nicotine gum. Sometimes when cravings start, the oral habit of smoking is quite strong. Instead of smoking, having to chew something will help you lessen your cravings. Just like with patches, you can start with a higher level and gradually lessen the frequency of using the gum.


This is another nicotine replacement for tobacco cravings. Once again, this is something that is available over the counter and does not require a prescription. Experts suggest you can start with a maximum of twenty lozenges each day and gradually reduce the amount of intake. Lozenges are also available in supermarkets so you will have no trouble finding them. These also come in various strengths which will also help you better regulate and reduce the daily nicotine intake.

Nicotine Pouches

Nicotine ouches are product that is slightly newer than the other nicotine products. They contain zero tobacco. These pouches can be placed under the tongue and contains a flavour with a hint of nicotine that can help your cravings. They are also a great solution to control the oral action or the hand to mouth action of smoking.

Prescription Patches

These patches will work the same way nicotine patches does. However, they can be bought only with a doctor’s prescription due to their strength. The advantage of this is that you can talk about your craving and how strong they are before getting a suitable prescription for you. Because of the strength, higher doses are not recommended for everyone. Therefore, avoid taking these patches without a doctor’s recommendation.

Prescription Drugs

There are also drugs that can be recommended for you by a doctor. For example, Varenicline is something that is specifically designed to help those who wish to quit smoking. Varenicline targets the part of the brain that responds to nicotine.  There is also Zyban which is an antidepressant. It will help you focus better on your health by reducing your stress levels, which is a major cause for tobacco cravings.

Most of these products are easily available on your local supermarket or drugstore. For stronger products, you can consult your doctor and get the right prescriptions for you. Whenever you feel the cravings hitting, try out these alternatives and you will be better at controlling your cravings.

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